So what is it about a transformational session with Jackie? What does the method involve?
Jackie has a background in counselling, Emotional Freedom Technique, FasterEFT and Matrix Birth Reimprinting. She uses all of these tools and her inner guidance to navigate the session with the client. 

Our method has evolved over the years to ensure that whatever are the emotional foundations of the issue or concern you have are addressed in the session in an effort to reduce the effects of this issue or concern on a daily basis. 

Jackie works with the fact that YOU are the most important person in that session as all the answers lie with you. Asking the right questions in the right way at the right time really does add to the success of the session and this is something Jackie has mastered over the years.

By tapping into your inner guidance and knowing, we can help you shift things you never thought possible. Tapping techniques have been known to help people with depression, anxiety, addiction, grief and physical pain and work for both males and females in all age brackets.

By harnessing your inner power in a session, Jackie can help you unlock the key to your condition/issue and change the trajectory of your situation.

So if you are interested in experiencing our method and would like to book in, contact us today and lets get you back in touch with Your Inner Power.

How We Can Help

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