At Your Inner Power there are a number of ways that Jackie works with Tapping Practitioners. Jackie offers one-one-one Practitioner coaching sessions as well as online courses. The goal of both of these is to help Tapping Practitioners around the world improve their skill of Tapping and evolve their Tapping sessions with clients. 

In her Practitioner coaching sessions, Jackie can work with Practitioners on everything from their confidence at being a Tapping Practitioner through to the skill of doing the Tapping on a client. She can coach you through setting up your business, any fears you may have in working in this area, how to attract clients into your business as well as being comfortable charging for your services.

Jackie has a corporate background and transitioned over into a Tapping business many years ago. She used her corporate experience to help her expand her tapping practice into the corporate arena. She developed a range of courses and coaching programs for Corporates.  One of these she later developed into the Practitioner course “How To Tap Into Corporates”. This course teaches Practitioners how to tap into the corporate market and diversify their streams of tapping income.

Jackie’s business has continued to expand and she now also offers Boutique and Group Health Retreats. Again this is about diversifying her business and creating multiple streams of business as well as multiple ways to help people with their issues. 

Through her Practitioner coaching program, Jackie will work with the Practitioner to evaluate the best business strategy for them and the steps to take to get there.

If you are not happy with the current trajectory of your Tapping business and would like guidance or advice on where to go or what to do next, why not book a Practitioner Coaching session with Jackie today. Jackie will help you change your business from a hobby to a business and will guide you through the steps to get there.  Jackie only has a limited number of Practitioner coaching sessions available so book now to secure your spot.

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