Alcohol addiction is an addiction which initially can be hard to diagnose.  The reason for this is we live in a society where alcohol is so easily accessible and drinking alcohol is something which is socially acceptable.  More in more in our society we now hear news reports of binge drinking among our young people. Alcohol consumption is a given in most households.  It is available in 7-11’s and petrol stations in some countries and is usually located not far from your nearest grocery store.  So where is the line between socially accepted alcohol consumption and being addicted to alcohol?

Globally, alcohol use is the fifth leading risk factor for premature death and disability; among people between the ages of 15 to 49, it is the first.

So how do you know if you have a problem with alcohol?

  • Are you drinking as a way to relax or de-stress?  Many people start using alcohol this way to help them unwind after a stressful day at work only to find it becomes a daily activity that they cannot control.
  • Are you repeatedly neglecting your responsibilities at home or at work because of your drinking?
  • Are you putting yourself in danger as a result of your alcohol consumption – such as drink driving, operating machinery while intoxicated etc?
  • Are you finding that your consumption of alcohol has increased – you are drinking lots more now to get that buzz or relaxed feeling?
  • Are you drinking to avoid the withdrawal symptoms?  For example drinking first thing in the morning to help numb the hungover feeling.
  • Have you tried to quit but can’t?
  • Is your drinking affecting your relationships with your family and loved ones?

If you are answering yes to any of the above questions, you may have an alcohol addiction problem.

Over time meth destroys dopamine receptors making impossible for people to feel pleasure.  It has a dramatic impact of users health affecting areas such as dental, skin and the mind. It can lead to psychosis, blindness, respiratory failure, kidney failure, chest pain, internal bleeding, brittle bones and malnutrition because of lack of eating and increased metabolism.

To see how I have helped others with alcohol addiction, visit our testimonials page.

Would you like to make a change today in a supportive, quick, pain-free way?  Book in a session today and get back in control of your life!

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