Your Inner Power came about as a result of my own personal health and wellness journey. Whether I was trying to manage stress at work, quit eating chocolate, lose weight, improve my relationships at work or at home, I found sometimes no matter how strong my intention was, I would fail. I then discovered some tools that changed my life.
They helped me neutralise the emotions I had in relation to these specific goals and remove anything blocking my success. The result was a dramatic improvement in the situation and I could now make a lasting change in my life successfully.
I have spent the last 9 years qualifying in various fields of Counselling, Energy Psychology and Energy Healing. I hold qualifications in the following:
Through using tapping techniques such as EFT, Faster EFT and Matrix Re-Imprinting we have made transformational changes in hundreds of clients within a matter of hours. Unlike traditional therapies Faster EFT can help shift addictions, physical pain, depression, anxiety, fears and phobias in hours rather than weeks or months. To make a change in your life, contact us today to book a session.