Welcome to Your Inner Power

, bringing you Transformational Health & Wellness coaching wherever you are in the world.

Your Inner Power came about as a result of my own personal health and wellness journey. Whether I was trying to manage stress at work, quit eating chocolate, lose weight, improve my relationships at work or at home, I found sometimes no matter how strong my intention was, I would fail. I then discovered some tools that changed my life.

They helped me neutralise the emotions I had in relation to these specific goals and remove anything blocking my success. The result was a dramatic improvement in the situation and I could now make a lasting change in my life successfully.

I have spent the last 9 years qualifying in various fields of Counselling, Energy Psychology and Energy Healing. I hold qualifications in the following:

Medical Intuitive Practitioner Module 4


Australian Bush Essences Practitioner

As well as working both locally and internationally with clients face-to-face and online, I have been one of a select number of practitioners selected to practice at the leading drug and alcohol rehabilitation in the U.S. called Habilitat. This experience provided me with an opportunity to work with residents to break their addiction patterns and assist them to experience significant internal changes. The results were amazing and an experience I will be forever grateful for.

In recent years we have seen the importance corporates have begun to place on their employees health and well-being with the introduction of Corporate Health & Wellness Programs. Having spent many years working in the corporate environment, it became more and more apparent that as well as developing employees careers, it is important to assist them with their personal goals and emotional well-being.

Your Inner Power is a place where you as an individual can get assistance with your personal goals or help with a specific issue or challenge you are facing.  My personal sessions are delivered either face to face or online via skype and provide you with the tools to remove blocks from your life and to achieve your goals in a way that has a lasting result. It doesn’t matter where in the world you are, you can book in for a session today and learn to harness Your Inner Power.

As a corporate, you can take advantage of our Transformational corporate health and wellness coaching for your employees. You can add to your already existing Employee Health & Wellness Program or perhaps you are just starting one. Whatever stage you are at, our training will make a real impact to the overall health and well-being of your company. Our training for corporates is designed to support the health and wellness of your employees and result in healthier, happier, more productive employees.

With a team that I have personally trained, we at Your Inner Power work closely with each corporate organisation to create and deliver a highly tailored program that works to help your employees with their stress and anxiety.

So why not book in a session today or contact to see how we can help your organisation today!

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