Are you ready to change the way you feel? Are you ready to feel lighter, less bloated, more empowered? Are you ready to do “weight loss” in a completely different way?

What if losing weight began in the mind? What if we could tap into the neural pathways that cause cravings, emotional eating and unconscious eating and reduce or eliminate that drive or desire to eat those foods that are causing weight gain and affecting our health? How much easier would achieving your goal weight be!

Are you one of those people who are not happy with your body weight? Have you struggled in the past to lose weight or keep weight off? Have you tried all the latest fad diets on the market only to end back where you started.

What all these programs are missing is addressing the biggest factor for weight gain or loss and that is THE MIND.  By addressing the neural pathways that are causing weight gain or weight stagnation, we can reprogram our behaviours to ones that enhance and support our health and wellbeing.

So if you want Weight Loss but want to Wait Less to achieve it, then get ready for this groundbreaking program to support you on your journey to a lighter healthier version of yourself in less time. At Your Inner Power, we will help you tap into your inner power to help you transform like you have never done before.

So what is involved in the Weight Loss, Wait Less Program?

This program is a 6 week program to support you on your transformational journey to a healthier you! In this program you will get the following:

  • An online course to support you on your journey to understand your relationship with food and how to achieve a lighter, healthier version of yourself in a fast effective way
  • Empowering you on how to take control of your emotional eating and increase your body confidence
  • Help you understand what is the emotional framework holding this pattern in place and empowering you to let it go
  • Weekly weigh-ins to help you keep on track and achieve your goals
  • Sample recipe ideas
  • Sample fitness ideas
  • Weekly transformational mind reprogramming sessions
  • Online support group

Learning Outcomes

By joining this revolutionary course on achieving your target weight in a healthy happy way, you will learn the following:

  • How to change your eating habits in a healthy, long lasting way
  • Provide you with the skills to effectively handle challenges with more clarity
  • To tune into your feelings and appropriately transform their impact
  • To show you how to be in control of your emotions instead of them being controlled by your environment
  • Learn a game changing technique which can be applied to stress and all areas of life
  • Achieve your weight loss goal and maintain it! 

Whether you have put on extra kilos from the holidays, from being in lockdown or from too much indulgence, make a decision today that you want something different for you moving forward and you want to feel awesome about yourself!

Course Costs

You get all of the above support for just $95USD. This includes access to the course, weekly transformational calls, access to the online support group plus much more.

Enrollments are opening up soon so click the link below to add yourself to the waitlist!

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