Cocaine is the second most popular illegal substance used in America, behind marijuana with an estimated 37 million Americans (15%) aged 12 and older who have used this drug at least once.  The United States is the largest importer of Cocaine in the world.

Cocaine is a powerfully addictive stimulant drug made from the leaves of the coca plant native to South America.  It is known by many names such as coke, powder, snow, blow and nose candy to name a few.

In powder form it is usually cocaine hydrochloride which is then diluted or cut with other substances in order to make the seller more profits.  Cocaine can be snorted, injected or smoked.

Because Cocaine is not physically addictive, there is a common misconception that you cannot become addicted to it.  By physically addictive, I mean there are no physical withdrawals once you stop taking this drug.  However, cocaine is a powerful stimulant that is highly addictive.

Do you have a problem with your cocaine use?  Is your cocaine use affecting your work or home life?  Are you putting your cocaine use before everything else?

Would you like to get back in control of your life?  If so, why not book a session with me today and make a change!

To see people who have experienced a change from their cocaine addiction, check out our testimonials page.

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