bulging disc is a condition that has to do with the spine, particularly the lumbar. It basically occurs when a disc in between the vertebrae moves out of its region. Bulging discs happen gradually over time. There is no pain for those who have a bulging disc unless it hits a nerve and because it causes no pain, most people don’t know that they have it. Most bulging disc cases are only discovered during check-ups with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

The term bulging disc is often incorrectly used to describe a number of conditions such as a pinched nerve, a torn or ruptured disc, a collapsed disc or a slipped disc. It is even used to describe a herniated disc, disc disease, or even black disc. In reality, these conditions are all very different, and the terms used only serve to further confuse a patient. As mentioned earlier, the best way to diagnose the exact problem is through an MRI or a CT scan.

Patients who are experiencing back pain need to isolate the cause of their condition. They should consult a doctor to get a better understanding of the situation. That’s because while it could be due to a bulging disc, it could also be possible that a patient’s lumbar joint pain is caused by something other than a disc issue. Perhaps osteoarthritis pain or tissue damage could also be a cause.

To correctly diagnose whether your pain involves a bulging disc, your doctor will need to look at your medical history. A detailed description of your pain, your activities, and whether the pain is getting worse or lessening are all important for a proper diagnosis. A physical examination will also gauge your muscle strength and the nerve functions in certain parts of your body. If there is enough evidence pointing to a bulging disc, you will undergo additional diagnostic tests such as a CT scan or a discogram.

Bulging Disc Treatment
Home remedies are the usual methods used for treating bulging disc. Lifting restrictions and proper rest, can help you get rid of the pain. Your doctor may also recommend ice and heat therapy, cortisone injections, or anti-inflammatory medications. In dealing with any associated pain, some people resort to pain-killers to help with the pain management.

There are also exercises that can help you treat your bulging disc. Core strengthening workouts, for example, can help you deal with the pain experienced when lifting heavy objects. Surgery is the last recourse in treating such a condition.

Bulging Disc and Faster EFT But apart from all of these treatments there is one method that you may want to consider: Faster EFT This technique can both help with the condition and remove how it is impacting you emotionally.

Faster EFT works with the meridian system of your body, a technique similar to acupuncture but without the use of needles. Faster EFT helps to release the pain and discomfort of your condition by using your fingertips to tap pressure points which are located in your face, chest and arm. The pressure applied is light so there is no physical pain involved in this therapy.

It is a simple technique that can help you resolve your bulging disc issue and the best thing about it is that it is good for all ages and beneficial to everyone

To read other peoples experience of my sessions, visit my testimonials page.

If you have a bulging disc pain you would like to address, why not contact us and book a session today!

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